Monday, April 4, 2016

a quick gush

I just arrived home and still am basking in the happy glow of this evening. While I'm still feeling gushy, I wanted to once more express my gratitude to everyone who made this excursion possible- I found it so energizing to discuss and think about the materials we've been reading and seeing in this course in a different ecology, one whose ongoing legacy ties together the disparate threads Moore draws out explicitly, and our other films and theorists, more implicitly, as related to the concept of the Anthropocene.

So, a BIG thanks to Matthew and Mark who were so generous to extend this invitation to such a large number of us to join them at the Town Hall and also to their oh so lovely and inviting living space, and who were so open to discussing the politics and Politics of the region. Thank you to Erin for being brave enough to orchestrate this adventure, providing us transport, and for encouraging us to experiment and explore. And thank you to all the drivers!

Here's a couple pictures from the evening:


  1. I was deeply moved too. Thank you, everyone, and especially thank you to Matthew for reminding me, when end-of-term was getting to me, that it really does make a difference when you say yes!

  2. Thankyou so much for this great adventure in the real landscape of life and philosophy. I feel privilege and I woul like to express my gratitude to all of you.

  3. Me too, thank you so much. It was a beautiful moment to be with you all. Erin's course was very resonating to me at Marc's beautiful place quotes from Moor to Whitehead to Massumi and Donna Haraway's. This atmosphere at Oka and this unfarmiliar yet familiar time-space offered me a particular experience to feel and think about the world of anthropocene and more. Thanks again to Matthew, Marc, Erin and everyone!

  4. Guys, i am so sorry that it took me some time to come back to this and thank all of you SO MUCH for taking a leap of faith, out of your comfort zones, and in the spirit of 'YES!' to join us in Oka for a pretty spectacular event. My only regret is that so much has been touched upon but left unsaid, which I hope we can discuss/think/work through together on Monday... I'm not even ready to write most of it down. Apologies for Rufus' overexcitement and attempts to facelick and steal food; he was happy to have all of you out as well!!

    Take a look at the facebook page of the anti-mine group if you have a chance; there have been some updates from the town, province and Eco-Niobium.

    Finally, someone left a pair of glasses in Oka - I have them here in my apartment in Outremont. Send me an email and let me know what to do with them, or I will bring them on Monday.

    Thanks again everyone, and thank you Erin for re-orienting the class on a dime! xM

  5. Sounds like it was an wonderful event - I look forward to catching some of the reverberations tonight.
