Thursday, March 31, 2016

Naming things "great great stream"

"Great great stream"

Mi ssissi ppi means "great great stream" in the anishnawbe or ojibway language!!
Says friend Ronald Momogeeshick Peters.

Here is an interactive link to the 7000 streams running through the North American land, all pouring into the Mississippi River, and feeding into the Golf of Mexico. It's interesting how names have things in them.

Click link below for the article + interactive map
Great great stream interactive map


  1. Thanks for sharing Christine! The actual interactive map doesn't seem to work on my computer right now. It reminds me of this wonderful photo I found online that shows the various meandering paths of the Mississippi River over time, and how it has re-established itself over and over again. This is particularly relevant to us in this class, as we think about what kinds of reroutes the river has had to take due to the impact of the human (with levees and the like).
