Saturday, January 23, 2016

I found this talk by physicist and philosopher Karen Barad akin to ideas of relationality and affect in Massumi's and Whitehead's texts (the ones I've read).
I wish to note that Barad refers to a level of observation specific to physics and that such is not the same as the social, cultural, or even that of other hard sciences, levels of observation. Thus, overgeneralizing is rushing into determination.
Nonetheless, I find here points on agential realism, intraction, and Niels Bohr point of "concepts are specific material arrangements", insightful and useful to consider the use or dismissal of categories.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Karen Barad is definitely interesting in this context. Perhaps it's worth thinking about the difference between intra-action (one of her key concepts) and bare activity (Massumi). Or bringing in relation and infra rather than intra? Brian Massumi writes about the difference between interaction and relation in Semblance and Event ("The Thinking-Feeling of What Happens").
