Hi everyone,
Thank you for curating this amazing event.
It was amazing and wonderful evening! Each presentation was very interesting and affecting on me, thanks.
I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Erin and all of you.
concept of the 'anthropocene' and the affect theory conversing with
films, the courage of taking on challenging readings, OKA's activity,
food sharing, and talking with some of you, and tonight's special
moments, the togetherness and much more, for all this I am grateful. Each Monday, I was
thrilled and excited to participate and listen about new materials and
diverse perspectives and thoughts. All of it has left a deep impression
on me. I've felt and experienced this seminar which is designed
thoroughly the multi-facets of crystal image in a topological and
architectural mode. With this in mind, I have been able to write a
conference paper engaging a few concepts, and have already incorporated
them in my thesis work.
Thank so much you, Erin for your generous pedagogy and for letting me be in.
I hope all of us have had a fruitful semester one or way or another.
We will stay in touch and meet again, I hope so :-)
All the best,
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